
Greek dance lessons at IPTS!

Greek dance (χορός - horos) is a very old tradition, being referred to by authors such as Plato and Aristotle. There are different styles and interpretations from all the islands and mainland areas. Each region formed its own choreography and style to
to match the local traditions and depict the local lifestyle. There are over 4000 traditional dances that originate from all regions of Greece. There are also pan-Hellenic dances, which have been adopted throughout the Greek world. Some of these include; syrtos, kalamatianos, hasapiko and sirtaki.

A series of lessons has been organised in the context of the Hellenic Semester at IPTS for those who wish to learn some of the most popular Greek dances, which can also be performed during the Greek Party in June. The duration of each Greek dance lesson will be about 1 hour starting at 18:45 on  Tuesday 4 March at the Social Room (A28). The following lessons have been scheduled for 11, 18 and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. 

Lessons will be given by Thetis, an experienced Greek dance teacher who lives in Seville.

Some of the dances that we are going to dance during the lessons include:

Sirtos sta tria
